Friday, December 11, 2009

paper genesis

As time goes on, I discover new parallels to the evolution of the project... In science, we're covering early life on earth, and its evolution into more complex organisms over time. These days I have really been feeling like the archetype of an Ross student who appreciates the integration of studies and subjects, but I don't know whether I'm just predisposed to noticing the correlation between my own experiences historical or scientific phenomena as a kind of microcosm/macrocosm relationship.
And I am rethinking things I had assumed were pretty valid when I first thought of them...

For example: the idea of shedding excess stuff as the month progressed, with the analogy of the hiker carrying loads of fancy equipment.
Contrary to my previous argument, I am now relating that analogy back to present day, where people born into lives full of stuff have a harder time moving towards a simpler life. The idea of a possession-free world will only phase those who must then give up their own possessions.

What we MIGHT have done is start with very, very minimal materials (stuff), and then, mimicking the process of natural selection, acquire only those things that benefit us, analyzing the benefit/detriment balance to progress to a more advanced state. HOWEVER, in kind with the process of natural selection, this would take long periods of time. Within the time frame we allotted for ourselves, perhaps the appropriate system was to understand what we really fundamentally needed before adding life-complicating technology to assist.

Anyway- fresh material is always helpful.
1. Go through corrections.
2. Continue: add third and last segments; figure out citations and spacing for them.
3. Get outside consultant input when draft is more developed.

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