Saturday, October 3, 2009

tough chicken

I had a meeting with my mentor, Mr. Schade, yesterday... And he gave me some reasons to reconsider taking on the Ross Garden as my final product.

He said I should work on the presentation 0f the things I have already done for the project (e.g. tent construction, solar panel, animals, food, month of my life...), and avoid overextending myself into a new leg of the project that could decrease the poignancy of my focus on my actual project (the part I completed in August). He also said I should try to spend the next few months adding intellectual value to my project to complement the experiential elements; I still have to read a few of the books I've been assigned, and reading those thoughtfully and thoroughly will require some good, focused senior project periods.

Next of all, a Ross Garden would be and should be a great project to kick off the Environmental Club this year. Apparently we are one of the largest clubs in terms of sign-ups (other than the Video Game Club, I'm sure...), and our first meeting is 9th period, Monday. As long as it happens, I am not really that concerned whether it is strictly my responsibility, as it would be if I wrote it into my Senior Project rubric. I think it would be really awesome to have a whole team on this project, too. Especially since then we could do a soil test together, decide what to do to raise money for the construction, make flyers and do a press release together, and all that good stuff I could theoretically do myself, but... (Didn't I learn ANYTHING about community this summer??:)

1. Keep reading, take notes...
2. Make sure the EC has a good first meeting, make itinerary this weekend...
3. Figure out what the new product will be... (gallery space with photos and video, a paper, combination...)
4. Pick up loose ends for contacts and meetings and dates- get organized!!!
5. Establish outside consultant situation...

1 comment:

  1. That's very exciting about the Environmental club! Make sure you update your weekly blog posts by 4pm on Fridays.
